Living Library Photos

On Thursday, November 3rd, the UBC Asian Library and PCHC-MoM Society launched a pilot "Living Library" event with an Asian-Canadian angle.At the Living Library, participants were able to "Check Out" walking and talking "Living Books" to as them about their diverse backgrounds and experiences. Living Books present at the Library were:

  • Danvic Briones, a Filipino immigrant and artist who recently was granted Canadian citizenship. Danvic also works at S.U.C.C.E.S.S, helping new immigrants adjust to their new lives in the country, and is also an inventor who is involved with various nonprofit organizations.
  • Simon Choa Johnston, a former playwright and theatre artistic director, who is of mixed Chinese and Jewish heritage and is now a novelist and the writer of "House of Wives".
  • Jeongeun Park, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow of Korean descent at the University of British Columbia, who wrote her dissertation on Buddhist modernity and clerical marriage among Korean monks during the Japanese colonial period.
  • Alejandro Yoshizawa, a filmmaker and filmmaking teacher of mixed Chilean and Japanese descent, who recently was the Director of the documentary "All Our Father's Relations" and winner of the Vancouver Asian Film Festival's 2016 "Best Canadian Feature".
Thanks so much to our Books, and to our Readers who came out to enjoy our evening of community engagement and eat delicious Chinese, Japanese, and Indian food!To view a photo gallery of the event, please see below.

VAFF Recap & Congratulations to All Our Father's Relations


PCHC's Autumn 2016 Newsletter is Out!