Mission Statement of PCHC-MoM Society 
(adopted at 2020 AGM)


2. The purposes of the Society are to educate the public, to broaden the collective memory of Canada, and to promote mutual understanding and respect among all people living in Canada, by cultivating a wider and more inclusive understanding and appreciation of the history and heritage of Pacific Canada and beyond, with emphasis on the histories of previously silenced or marginalized groups and Indigenous peoples, through research, preservation, exhibition, formal instruction and informal learning.

3. The objects of the Society shall be:

3.1 to educate the public about, and to promote understanding and appreciation of, the history and heritage of Pacific Canada and all its peoples, by:

3.1.1 encouraging and supporting individuals and communities in researching and documenting family, community and migration stories;

3.1.2 conducting, fostering and sharing community-based research on historical and current migrations to, within, and through Pacific Canada;

3.1.3 collecting, preserving and/or educating about meaningful objects, historic sites, written and oral histories, storytelling, artistic and other forms of cultural expressions in Pacific Canada and beyond;

3.1.4 facilitating storytelling, artistic performances and other forms of cultural expressions in Pacific Canada and beyond;

3.1.5 curating and animating exhibitions; and

3.1.6 offering workshops, lectures, public dialogues and other community events.

3.2 to broaden the collective memory of Canada, and to promote mutual understanding and respect among all peoples living in Canada, including the acknowledgement of settler presence on Indigenous territories and the recognition of all non-Indigenous peoples as guests and newcomers to these lands, by:

3.2.1 recognizing, preserving, recording and/or teaching about the histories and heritage of previously silenced and marginalized groups and Indigenous peoples in Pacific Canada and beyond;

3.2.2 organizing, supporting or participating in anti-discrimination initiatives to break down stereotypes and to build connections among diverse communities;

3.2.3 hosting gatherings to share family, community, and migration stories in order to foster a more inclusive interpretation of Pacific Canada;

3.2.4 establishing and managing a national research network for an inclusive interpretation of Canada’s history, with a focus on the history of Pacific Canada; and

3.2.5 building and operating a Heritage Centre and/or Museum of Migration for Pacific Canada, in order to create a stronger sense of belonging in all people living in Canada.

Provided always, that in the event of any ambiguity, the Purposes set out in paragraph 2 above
shall be construed in the most liberal way so as to widen and not restrict the powers and objects
of the Society.