PCHC's Autumn 2016 Newsletter is Out!

de072a03-58b4-4566-a37b-94a8549e7124Autumn is the season for cozy sweaters, crisp forest walks, and hot apple cider. It is also, at least in the BC Lower Mainland, a time for colder and rainier weather, which brings family and friends together to enjoy and reap the benefits of the autumn harvest. This fall, we encourage you to take these darker months to reconnect with your roots, and delve deeper into your family history. What better way to take shelter from the rain than to discover more about your heritage and your loved ones?PCHC also has some exciting events coming up in the next few months. Check out our newsletter to see what our organization has been up to, and what exciting festivities are still to come!The newsletter can be viewed here. You can also sign up for the newsletter at the following link, where you can also see our newsletter archive.


Living Library Photos


Oral History Project with Indonesian-Canadian Elders