VAFF Recap & Congratulations to All Our Father's Relations

The Vancouver Asian Film Festival was outstanding this year! PCHC members and friends were present at a large number of films this year, including international and Canadian shorts, Mixed Match, #TheLastSmile#Tyrus, and PCHC's co-presented film #AllOurFathersRelations. Congratulations to all filmmakers and VAFF crew on your excellent achievements, and a special congrats to all winners of the VAFF film awards, particularly to Director Alejandro Yoshizawa and the crew of All Our Father's Relations which won "Best Canadian Feature Award!" Everyone involved worked so hard and we are proud to have been involved in such an inspiring festival.PCHC also really enjoyed attending events outside the festival such as the Filmmaker's Luncheon at the Sun-Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden. We were grateful for the chance to meet and thank the VAFF team and filmmakers for all of the inspiring work they did this year. We encourage those who missed the festival or several films at the festival to seek out further screenings, as this year was extremely educational and emotional and many new issues were brought to our attention. We learned about the struggle for those of mixed heritage to find stem cell and bone marrow donors in #MixedMatch, we learned that the Chinese-American artist Tyrus Wong was actually behind the art in the much of the Western film canon in #Tyrus, and we learned more about the struggles of the First Nations/Musqueam and Chinese British Columbians in #AllOurFathersRelations. Many of these issues are extremely important, and we urge the community to learn more.To view a photo gallery of the festival, see below. We hope to see you at the festival next year! 

Family Stories Live On Through Our Museums - an Article by Todd Wong


Living Library Photos