Cantonese Opera July 7 Show at Michael J. Fox

PCHC co-presents Cantonese Opera Show (July 7)韻聲傳加西東」MVOH poster image for web postPCHC-MoM Society will co-present a benefit recital and theatrical performance as part of the trans-Pacific project called "Multi Voices One Heart: Celebrating Canada 150 in Cantonese Opera" at the Michael J. Fox Theatre on Friday night, July 7.(A repeat performance will be presented in the Ryerson Theatre in Toronto on Sunday afternoon, July 9.)The show featuring artists from Hong Kong, Vancouver and Toronto will be directed by maestro LAU Wing-Chuen(劉永全), whose students on both sides of the Pacific will be performing with three famous Cantonese opera stars -- LEE Lung(李龍), WONG Chiu Kwan(王超群) & PUI Chuen Heen(裴俊軒).Over 300 tickets have been purchased by our sponsors for Chinese seniors to pay tribute to their ancestors whose sacrifices and struggles have made life better for all of us today.Only a small number of tickets at $60 & $100 each are still available for sale. Please call 778-788-8809 or email to order and for pick up.


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