Hearts of Freedom Volunteer Training & Social

Join us at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden on April 19 for our volunteer training & social! Meet other Hearts of Freedom volunteers while learning about how you can contribute to this travelling exhibit. Register here.

What we collectively want to achieve by attending this event:

  1. Increase cultural knowledge: heritage of people from Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam

  2. Sign up for duties/roles at different events/exhibition sites, esp. at SFU & Bentall 3;

  3. Know what it means to be a PCHC volunteer serving/interacting with the public;

  4. Ask/answer any questions regarding the upcoming events associated with HoF in BC.

  5. Get to know each other and have some fun in one of the most beautiful settings in Vancouver.


Hearts of Freedom at SFU Vancouver


Hearts of Freedom Transit Shelter Photo Contest