PCHC Film Night: A Smorgasboard of Refugee Stories
Rejoignez-nous pour la première française de "Passage vers la liberté" - un documentaire émouvant qui présente les histoires orales de personnes réfugiées de l'Asie du Sud-Est.
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Screenings include extracts from award-winning filmmaker Cheuk Kwan’s epic Chinese Restaurants (Episode 1), a short Heritage Minute on “Boat People”, personal migration stories shared and captured by PCHC-Museum of Migration Society, and an intro to the “Hearts of Freedom” project, as well as a fascinating account by an immigration official Michael Molloy of his involvement & reflections on this recent and previously undocumented chapter in Canadian history. The final program will be a sneak preview of the French version of "Passage to Freedom" - a poignant documentary that recounts the firsthand accounts of Southeast Asian refugees who embarked on perilous voyages from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to Canada.