Media Advisory: Pacific Canada Story Fest kicks off on Saturday (June 18, 2022)


Vancouver, B.C. — The first Pacific Canada Story Fest will kick off on June 18, 2022 (Saturday) from 2:00pm to 3:30pm, at the vibrant Italian Cultural Centre (Il Centro) in Vancouver, B.C.

Culturally diverse storytellers, ranging from age 18 to over 80 coming from different parts of the Lower Mainland and beyond, will be gathered in person at the iconic Italian Cultural Centre in East Vancouver to share their personal or newly documented stories. They are Marguerite Ghislieri, Quyn Lê, Khatira Daryabi and Tāriq Malik.  This Saturday’s event showcases some of the results of intergenerational and intercultural storytelling fostered by the PCHC-Museum of Migration Society. By showcasing these stories, the organisers hope to inspire and empower other individuals, families and communities to do the same.

Susan Ma, Program Director, describes it as a celebration of stories and storytelling in our communities, centering voices that are historically marginalised and typically “othered”. 

Refreshments selected from local restaurants will also be served, mirroring the rich culture and diversity of our population.

To secure a spot at this free event, pre-registration is required ( Come meet the PCHC-MoM Youth Ambassadors and find out how to become one. Talk to our Board members and volunteers to see how you can help us find more previously ignored migration stories and the more current ones which collectively paint a more updated picture of who we are in Pacific Canada. Or just come and find out how we can help you document your own family story by talking to our storytelling workshop participants.

Patara McKeen, a graduate student and the PCHC-MoM Manager of Volunteers finds working with the elders and young volunteers very enriching. “It’s fun to work with people from diverse backgrounds in discovering immigrant stories. Learning and trying new cuisines from diverse communities also expanded our horizons in more than one way.”

Feeding into the Pacific Canada Story Fest, for instance, is the Unearthing Hidden Stories on and off Commercial Drive project, which is one of several initiatives that mentor and empower young people to discover and document the vibrant and diverse inclusive history of Vancouver and beyond.

Board Director Stan de Mello says, “Mentoring young people and helping them learn about the fast disappearing stories of folks who run those food establishments on the Drive has been a real pleasure. As someone who has lived on the Drive for 30 years, I have witnessed the rapid transformation of this neighbourhood. This is not just my home; it’s my community. These ethnic businesses are our cultural food assets: they need to be protected.”

Building on past popular events, such as our Banquet of Stories and Storytelling Circles, this in-person event on Saturday will also be filmed so that these stories can be shared more widely with the public through our virtual platform at PCHC-Museum of Migration Society. For those who cannot make it in-person to interact with the storytellers this Saturday, please note that there is a series of innovative cultural events to follow in the coming months.  As our team of researchers continue to unearth hidden stories in Vancouver and in other historic sites in BC, there will be plenty of community-engaged learning and room for public participation as well. Stay tuned for announcements of walking tours and day trips for intercultural exploration of our uncommon past by visiting or follow us on social media.

This public educational program is made possible with financial support from the British Columbia Government, our community partners, sponsors and donors. We also acknowledge gratefully the devotion of our Board and volunteers, who have given generously of their time and talents to fulfil our mission.

ABOUT Pacific Canada Heritage Centre - MUSEUM OF MIGRATION SOCIETY:

The PCHC-MoM Society is a registered non-profit society reflecting a broad spectrum of communities—in particular (but not limited to) a diversity of Canadian communities of Asian heritage—who are committed to the vision of a new kind of museum that can appeal both to a diverse local and global audience. The two missions of the society are 1) a heritage centre (the PCHC) where communities can transmit and share knowledge across generations, and 2) a Museum of Migration where the stories and heirlooms of Canada’s diverse communities can come together in a shared space to tell our collective national story. (


Patara McKeen (778-875-0274)


English & French:

Wendy Yip (m: 604-725-2248)

English & Cantonese/Mandarin

Winnie L. Cheung (m. 604-836-8388)

Susan Ma (m. 604-250-1864)

English & Punjabi/Hindi

Taran Dhillon



June 2022 Newsletter


PCHC Featured in Vancouver is Awesome