Launch of Video and Teaching Edition - Challenging Racist “British Columbia”: 150 Years and Counting

Event: Launch of new video & teaching edition of Challenging Racist “British Columbia: 150 Years and Counting

Date: July 20th 2021 (Tuesday) / 4:00pm – 5:30pm (PST)

Pre-registration: Register here.

Join us for the launch of the new video and teaching edition of Challenging Racist “British Columbia”: 150 Years and Counting on Tuesday, July 20 2021, 4:00pm – 5:30pm PST.

Join authors, producer Jessica MacVicar, and educators Carmen Rodriguez and Karine Ng for the release of the new video and teaching edition of Challenging Racist “British Columbia”: 150 Years and Counting. Together we can challenge the continuing impacts of racism and genocide in this province.

PCHC-MoM Society is a proud supporter of this important resource. We are honoured to call Sharanjit Kaur Sandhra a PCHC Director and to have Denise Fong & John Price as dear friends of the PCHC-MoM Society.

Register for the free launch here.

Read the book here.

Sponsored by UVic History with the support of:

  • Anti-Oppression Educators Network (BC Teachers’ Federation)
  • BC Black History Awareness Society
  • BC Studies: The British Columbia Quarterly
  • Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (BC Office)
  • Pacific Canada Heritage Centre – Museum of Migration
  • Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network
  • Greater Toronto Chapter, National Association of Japanese Canadians
  • UVic Indigenous Education
  • UVic Indigenous Studies
  • Vancouver Asian Film Festival/Elimin8Hate (VAFF/E8)


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