Family History From a Distance: Webinar with Prof. Henry Yu

Join us for this webinar on June 27th, hosted by PCHC Director Henry Yu, in partnership with ACAM & INSTRCC of UBC. Learn how to conduct interviews and beginner techniques for editing with accessible technology, including iMovie and Zoom. This webinar will be two hours long, starting at 2:00PM with an additional half hour for demonstrations and questions. See below for the program schedule.

PCHC members and volunteers can claim a free spot by contacting Directors Ada Con (membership) or Pat Parungao (volunteers). General public can register on eventbrite for a token fee of only $5 for this webinar.


Conducted by Prof. Henry Yu

June 27 (Saturday)

2 pm - 4 pm

  • Welcome & Introduction
  • How to gather and capture family history and migration stories
  • Different tools: smart phones, camera, virtual interviews (e.g. Zoom)
  • Examples of short stories using family photos/belongings
  • Examples of longer stories: short documentary films
  • How to formulate the questions for the interview? How to start a conversation?

4 pm - 4:30 pm

  • Demonstration on how to post your stories
  • Additional Q & A time


June 2020 Newsletter


PCHC-MoM/Ricepaper Magazine Partnership Issue Released