MVOH 2020 Goes Virtual!

Due to restrictions caused by the pandemic, our annual trans-Pacific Cantonese opera project– Multi Voices One Heart (MVOH) -- will go virtual in 2020 to satisfy fans’ hunger for this well-loved heritage art.

Instead of gathering the performers from both sides of the Pacific in Metro Vancouver this year, the organizers have decided to invite some of the best-known stars as well as seasoned amateurs (who happen to be in Hong Kong this month) to provide over eight hours of fine singing at a concert to be live-streamed to fans around the world.  

Included as part of the 25th Festival Accès Asie (the oldest festival based in Montreal celebrating Asian Heritage Month in Canada), the MVOH Anti-COVID-19 Cantonese Opera Benefit Concert will be live-streamed from Hong Kong in four parts over two days (May 23 & 24, HK time). As the co-presenter, PCHC-MoM will be providing information in English about the artists and songs closer to the time of the concert.

For now, please subscribe to either the MVOH Facebook page or YouTube channel below to ensure you won't miss the concert:

「萬千聲音眾志一心」Facebook Page

「萬千聲音眾志一心」YouTube 頻道

For every “like” received during the concert, U Sing Pavilion will donate $1 (CAD) and $10 (HKD) up to a maximum of $15,000 (CAD) and $100,000 (HKD) respectively to the following beneficiaries:

  1. PCHC-Museum of Migration Society
  2. The Wong Yue Sang Scholarship Foundation at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

They will also match every dollar raised during the concert for “Anti-COVID Lunch Boxes” for the disadvantaged in Hong Kong up to a maximum of about $28,000 (HKD).


May 2020 Newsletter


A Seat at the Table - Prof. Henry Yu