This year's AGM will take place on Nov. 16 (Sat.) at 11am at the BC Artscape. We'll be using the Flex Space on the 4th floor at the Sun Wah Centre at 268 Keefer St., Vancouver, BC.
A simple lunch (free to members and at $10 for guests) will start at noon, and may be followed by a surprise treat, if we can get it organized in the next few days. Kindly register at eventbrite so that we can plan for lunch accordingly. RSVP by noon on Nov. 14 at: http://bit.ly/34T0xJY
In order to stand in the election, or to exercise your voting rights, one must be in good standing (i.e. have paid the dues for the current year 2018 -19. ) If you're behind in payment, you can restore your good standing by paying before we start the AGM at 11am. Any questions about your membership, you can contact Director Ada Con (pchcmom.info@gmail.com). If you'd like to nominate yourself or another member to serve on the Board, please contact Tineke or Ada of the Nomination Committee.