Multi Voices, One Heart (MVOH) 2018

Following the resounding success of last year's Multi Voices, One Heart (MVOH), PCHC-MoM, U Sing Cantonese Opera Pavilion and partners are proud to offer the 2018 sequel in Vancouver, "The Fleeting Soundscape of Early Pacific Canada", in support of the community's effort to obtain UNESCO World Heritage designation for Vancouver Chinatown.Though little known in present-day Canada, muk'yu/muyu (wooden fish) songs have a longer history in this part of the world than one might first guess. Sung for centuries by Chinese farmers as they tilled the fields of South Guangdong, these tunes and lyrics were transported by their descendants who crossed the ocean to work on the Canadian Pacific Railway. With over 15,000 labourers coming from China, one can imagine the snatches of muyu songs that would have been heard all the way up and down the Fraser River Valley.Muyu songs, naam yum (southern sound), dragon boat songs and many other folk songs are all part of a long oral storytelling tradition popular among the masses in South Guangdong for over 300 years. Over time, these musical forms found their way into Cantonese opera, an art form more widely known around the world thanks to its ability  to evolve as it migrated around the world.This October, join us in Vancouver for a full programme and rare opportunity to hear the rich musical tradition of muyu songs, naam yum (southern sound) and other musical traditions of these early Chinese pioneers.On October 10 and 12, we will be hosting two workshops (one in English, one in Cantonese) on "Indigenous Music, Opera & People from South Guangdong", featuring the musical storytelling traditions of muyu songs sung in popular dialects by Chinatown elders, and naam yum (southern sound) and other folk music in Cantonese opera. Discover and enjoy the legacy of these indigenous art forms on Cantonese opera in an afternoon concert on October 14.All events are open to the public, but pre-registration is required:Wednesday 10 October (2:00PM - 4:00PM)MVOH 2018: Indigenous Music, Opera & People from South Guangdong (Workshop in Cantonese)Dr Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese GardenRegister: https://mvoh2018cantoneseworkshop.eventbrite.caFriday 12 October (4:00PM - 6:00PM)MVOH 2018: Indigenous Music, Opera & People from South Guangdong (Workshop in English)Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, UBCRegister: https://mvoh2018workshop-in-english.eventbrite.caSunday 14 October (2:00PM - 5:30 PM)MVOH 2018: Cantonese Opera RecitalNorman Rothstein TheatreComplimentary concert tickets for seniors will be distributed in Chinatown (3/F, Sun Wah Centre, 268 Keefer Street) this Saturday, September 15 at 2:00PM and 5:00PM. Young people interested in learning about their heritage through the music treasured by their ancestors are particularly encouraged to accompany their elders to the workshops and concert.Stay tuned to for more updates, or visit for more information.

Love and Longing Across the Pacific: MVOH 2018 Workshops


Fall 2018 Newsletter