Call for Objects: Cantonese Opera Bento

head gears fr Moose JawCantonese Opera and the Immigrant Experience 粵劇與移民體驗經歷PCHC - Museum of Migration and Museum Bento are creating a mobile museum box with artifacts and photos that tell the story of Cantonese opera in the lives of early immigrants in BC.  This box will travel to schools and other organizations throughout BC and open up a window into a little-explored part of Canadian immigration history. 加拿大太平洋承傳中心暨移民博物館和Museum Bento正在設立一個流動式博物館展示箱, 主題是粵劇在BC省早期華裔移民生活中所扮演的角色 。該展示箱還備有系列的勞作手功物品, 通過講故事形式, 以及音樂和舞台等方面的重現以達到其展示功能。這個流動式博物館展示箱將會到BC省各地區的學校以及文化社團作巡迴展出, 主要目的是讓BC省民能一睹這段鮮為人知的加拿大早期移民歷史。Do you have a story to tell or something to donate? We’d love to hear from you! 您有故事要和我們分享嗎? 還是想捐贈有意義的物件? 我們期待大家和我們聯繫!We are looking for books, objects, documents, maps, drawings, photographs, playbills, art, music, instruments, costumes and other items that will help us bring Cantonese opera and early immigrant history to life.  Items can be donated or photographed and returned to you. 我們需要大家捐贈有意義的書籍, 物件, 文件, 地圖, 繪圖, 照片, 演出宣傳和畫冊, 書畫作品的複印本, 樂器, 音樂錄音, 粵劇服飾等物件來幫助我們將粵劇和早年華裔移民生活的情景活現眼前。 大家可以將物件捐贈給我們, 或者我們能將物件拍攝後物歸原主。請大家一起支持這個意義深遠的公眾教育計劃!Please contact: 請直接聯絡顧珠妮女士(電郵可以用中文書寫)


PCHC talk/demo in Vancouver & Toronto (free)


Call for Volunteers 2017